To my leader, to my teacher, to my second dad, to my saint, to the best person earth had ever had, to the apple of my eye, to the one that took half of my heart with him, to the one that knows me, to the one that calls me "barsa", to my best friend, to my guide, to the most cultured one, to the head of the family, to my beloved grandpa.
You've been the best person i have ever seen, if not a god. You supported me and adviced me. I couldn't wish for a better grandfather, for a better model. You're the example of the perfect person i could be. I will work hard, dream big and achieve my goals for you and to become successful like you did. I know you're watching us now, and i will make you so proud of me someday. I love you more than you can ever imagine, more that words can describe.

Layana Safieddine

إلى جدو "الملك"

يا حبيبي أنت قلبي، أنت الملك، وأنت روحي، بحبك كثير بحجم السماء، في فصل الشتاء أحس هواءك، في فصل الربيع أزهارك حلوة مثلك، أنت لك عائلة كبيرة من أولاد وأحفاد، وبعدك يا جدو بشكر أبي وأمي. أقرأ كل كتبك.

من بنت بنت بنت بنتك – تيا

For Geddo's book
Tout le monde doit partir un jour, mais toi, tu n'es pas parti. Tu es éternel pour nous, et tu survis dans chacun de nous.
Tes conseils, ta bienveillance, ton amour inconditionnel pour chacun de nous, continuent de raisonner dans nos têtes.
Tu nous as appris l'amour des autres, le respect, l'éducation, l'ouverture d'esprit. Tu vis à travers nous au quotidien dans chacune de nos actions.
Geddo, tu me manques et tu as laissé un vide, mais tu as tellement rempli nos coeurs, que tu es là pour toujours.
Je t'aime


"C'était un Grand Homme, je l'aimais vraiment"

"Geddo Mansour, on t'aime très fort"
Karim, Amin et Imran


Toi qu'on a idéalisé, toi notre exemple, notre référence, notre modèle, toi notre soldat, toi qu'on a aimé, adoré, toi qui a été notre inspiration, toi qui s'est battu, sans arrêt, jusqu'à son dernier souffle, pour son pays et ses ambitions, toi qui ne s'est jamais plaint, qui a toujours su avancer la tête haute, qui avait construit une muraille entre le bien et le mal, et qui s'armait de ses stylos pour combattre ce dernier, toi qui cachait ton amour de fer dans une apparence de velour, toi dont l'absence crée en nous une si forte présence, toi qui reste la, toi que je vois partout, dans les journeaux et dans les photos pleines de sourires, toi qui nous regarde de là haut, qui nous vois, nous surveilles, qui es près de nous tous, toi l'homme éternel, qui vivra à jamais. Toi qui a confiance en toi, en nous, et en moi, tu as su nous conseiller, nous aider, tu as levé les voiles sur le chemin de nos vies, toi qui nous guidais, la plume à la main, toi qui répendais l'amour, la joie de vivre, la bonté, la volonté, la persévérance, toi qui a transformé l'ouverture d'esprit en couronne et la connaissance du monde en force, toi qui a crée un royaume derrière toi, toi notre roi. On pensait peut être tous que les super héros n'existaient que dans les films et les bandes dessinées, mais le hero, le vrai, c'est mon grandpère, enfin libre de sauter, écrire, danser, chanter, crier, de brandir tout en haut, dans ce vaste ciel, les couleurs de sa patrie. Ton âme est toujours parmi nous mais tu vas nous manquer.. on t'oubliera jamais. On sentira ta chaleur en été, on entendra tes éclats de rire en hiver, on attrapera tes "feuilles du passé" en automne et on cueillera le savoir que tu continuera a semer au printemps. Je t'aimerais jusqu'à l'infini. Ce soir je regarde les étoiles et Geddo, tu brilles plus que jamais. Je t'aime jusqu'à l'infini mon héro. 
إبنة حفيدتك "هيا"

Letter for my Jedo
I am usually not the type of person that writes down her feelings, but I want to say a few words about my grandfather. My grandfather lived a remarkable life, one that inspired us all. His broad range of interests and rich knowledge made him a wonderful person to know. He accomplished everything he wanted with no regrets. He was generous with his love and affection and was philosophical in his approach to life. He deeply and genuinely cared about his philosophical approach towards life that accompanied him throughout every moment in his life, from his career to the weekly Saturday lunch discussions we had together. Its been 21 days since my Grandfather passed away.The head of the family is no longer with us. I am writing this down so in a few years I can read this and remember how much I miss him. 
When they first told me that my grandfather passed away, I had the worst feeling inside, as if someone crushed my heart. If I had one wish, it would be for me to see him one more time.I don't even remember what my last words were for you. Life seems a little less vibrant without you in it. Its weird to say but I think that you were the person who was proud of me the most. Not because of what i already have achieved, but because of your faith in my potential and what I can and will achieve. When you left you were not the only one to leave, you took a part of us all. It hurts to know that you are not going to see your dream of me being successful come true. 
You taught us all to love each other. You taught us to chase our dreams and never look back. You didn’t just teach us with words, you taught us by example. Such as how you lived your life. Those lessons stuck in our heads and hearts, are the reason we’re living our dreams today. Every time I struggle and every time I feel like I want to give up, I'll remember what you taught us and keep pushing forward. Your life has become a loving memory. This memory and legacy you left behind will continue on. We will miss seeing you smile every Saturdays at lunch time. We will miss the hugs and kisses. We will miss the unconditional love you gave us. We will miss the stories of your adventures that you shared with us, stories you told again and again, in the same exact detail.You will live on in so many hearts and minds. Thank you for how you modeled our lives. Thank you for showing us what it means to be the best possible versions of ourselves . Thank you for putting us on the path to our dreams. Thank you for loving every single one of us equally. Thank you for being an example of life. We will honor you by doing just what you did. We will honor you by remaining positive in our lifes. We will honor you by following your footsteps, the purest soul we know.

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